Thursday, September 9

...grandma's got a "new do"!

Today I took my mother-in-law to have her hair cut.  She had a stoke last Sunday and her ability to help me take care of all her grooming needs is more limited and so I felt it necessary to choose something that could be washed and dried from a chair, because showers and baths are a lot harder for her now...  It's very short and sassy, and thanks to the magic hands of a good hairdresser/friend here in town she just looks soooo super cute!   I asked her... "mom can you give me a smile, I want to take your picture", and she said "yes"... then she looked right at the camera and gave me THIS...  I chuckled, but she didn't even move a single muscle, until I snapped the shot, she just awaited like that for me to take her picture. Honestly I haven't seen her smile since the stroke, so maybe this WAS a smile... but whatever, if I am this beautiful when I am 80, have dementia, and suffer the effect of a stroke I'll count myself lucky. I think she looks really GREAT!  Thanks Mary!

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