Wednesday, December 28

December wrap-up ~ big goals for 2012

I accomplished quite a LOT in 2011.  When I look at the list it's pretty amazing, at least for me...

. . .one of my biggest goals for this coming year is to get stronger physically so that I can enjoy my family and "travel" more [especially with hubby].  I have big plans over the next few years to see some places and do some things ~ a few are things that I wouldn't normally do ~ but I need a stronger body in order to truly enjoy those activities. [DC was a BIG eye opener of how much I need to pace myself though, and it's all a delicate balance, with my disease...] ~ Anyway, to help me accomplish my goals I will reinstate a previously successful plan, approved by numerous docs in the past... Elliptical, healthy eating, fluids, rest ~ easy you say?  Yeah, it SHOULD be ~ right? ;-)

To help with this goal hubby bought me a "bodymedia" armband sensor yesterday.  It'll track my steps and activity through the day, and make suggestions to encourage me to be active, which I will do at a proper level for me [I even learned how to use my Wii Fit sometimes from a chair], and showing me some of the progress I'm making.  Here's hoping.!!

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