Monday, March 31

Wedding Bells, X 2

I am TERRIBLE at this blogging thing, I post things all over the place actually and forget to post here... I don't feel comfortable putting too much "real" info connected with pictures in an open area like a blog... but I have freinds that don't use Facebook or any other secured area where I post some of my family info that I want to share... So I try to share in a semi anonymous way, and only share this URL with those that I want to connect to... With that said... I have another announcement...

"Our" Princess Buttercup is getting married. She has been engaged for almost 5 weeks and we have less than 7 weeks till the wedding. She has her dress (and honestly she WILL look like the most beautiful royal princess ever, on her wedding day...) We have the flowers picked out and material for bridesmaid dresses... table decorations are getting done... a lot of other stuff has been purchased, ordered or started... We are working down the list and doing things as we can. All in all things are going well, but this "wedding gig" stuff is EXHAUSTING...

The future royal family found an apartment (actually it is a small house that is very reasonable) and are getting things set up to move in after the wedding... Beside all the wedding plans both kids are working GRUELING schedules to try and get as much in the bank as they can before the wedding... Not to mention the cost of deposits and getting into a new place... They only get to see each other on weekends because they live in separate cities 2.5 hours away.

Personally, having 2 children get married and helping to pull off 2 beautiful weddings in less than 6 months may yet be the death of me... And this time, as the Mother of the Bride, well... it's just so much harder! Princess B is making decisions that I am pleased with... it's just there is always one more thing to deal with... one more decision that is critical... one more minor crisis to settle. I will be so glad when we get past this event, even though it means the transition of our Little Princess into the lovely Princess Bride-Wifey, and a change forever in 0ur relationship with her. It's not a bad change but we know very well that she will never be our little girl again.

I have decided for purposes of this blog that I will call my future son-in-law Sir Knight. He is a really nice complement to Princess B. They fit... He is a wonderful person, kind and always ready to work
hard and help those around him. He is a service oriented person. I like that about him. I also like that he treats our Princess with care and respect. Oh they have lots of fun kidding around, this is a family of fun loving people... but never at another's expense. That is a good way to start their lives together.

I didn't really intend to turn this blog into a "wedding announcement newspage". So next week I will try and write about something else, but someone reminded me that I hadn't posted anything here for a really long time and so I thought I better post something.