Sunday, February 21

say hello... cold/flu bug #347, seriously, SERIOUSLY??? This is simply ridiculous! Even after airing out the house in the past few days, wiping down all surfaces faithfully, taking the dogs to the park, and breathing fresh air to clear out germs from my lungs, here I am, sick again.?

This winter's bug season has been the WORST for me in decades, I am so over it.

Friday, February 19

flowers from my sweetheart...

...spread all over the house this morning before I arose, a spring bouquet of various daisies, greenery etc., and a sweet card to tell me that he is glad we met all those years ago...

Some years we celebrate Valentine's Day late or early, depending on hubby's work schedule. Today was OUR V-Day... We are blessed to be in love after more than 26 years. One thing I have learned over these years is that it is truly important not to pass up the opportunity to say in spoken and written word that you feel blessed, happy, loved, and grateful for the gift of marriage to your valentine... The days go by fast, and the opportunities may not always be there, if your delay.

Tuesday, February 16

I wish I had something more to say...

...but life has been so tiring, and uninteresting.

I've spent the last weeks (6) with a cough and a variety of bacterial and viral bugs in my lungs and upper respiratory tract... I'd just get over one thing, and I'd get something else. It's been a long few weeks.

I am finally... just today feeling like I may be on the mend. I am so grateful. Maybe that is a good enough thing to say, I am grateful...

Tuesday, February 9

to quote...

If you want happiness for a lifetime ~ help someone else.

~ Chinese proverb

Tuesday, February 2

...winter, so over it!

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning at the Groundhog Day ceremony in western Pennsylvania, officially predicting six more weeks of winter. However in AZ we know that spring is just around the corner...

Yesterday hubby and I were talking about plans to take the puppies walking in some new places once things start to green up. (2-3 weeks?) Certainly in 4 weeks we will be having some really nice days, and the crocus will be starting to poke their heads out.

I plan to have my camera at the ready to get some nice "local green" shots for a change. We had to go all the way to Mesa last week to find any spring color. Chloe was totally confused at what the green grass on the grounds of our hotel was. hahaha

I am seeing light in a whole different way, through the eye of my camera. Foto-Friends told me I would, but it's hard to understand when you've never really done much "real" photography. Point and shoot just does not count, I am learning.

It's a fun hobby and I am figuring out what all the fuss has been about all these years. Still I am glad I waited for digital, I could NEVER have afforded the cost of processing all the pictures I delete. ;-)