Friday, July 31

my baby is grown up..

...and he has left our home... It's a major milestone in our family... We are officially empty-nesters...

I was looking through old photos the first of this month of my family for our Princess Bride who wanted to share some photos of her and her brother on her blog... and I came across these... where have all the years gone???

Daddy, helping him learn to walk in February or March of 1991...
I kept sitting him down every time he tried it on his own
so he didn't "really" walk until late June...

His 1st birthday in May of 1991

when our boy made mud pies,
he really got into his work! (August 1991)

he's always liked guns... (but his mother hates them)
this is the BB-gun his uncle gave him and his brother
the picture was taken in August 2000...

in December 2001, on the way to California
for my dad's 90th birthday party..

Freshman ~ HS Cross Country September 2004

His nickname was "the Flash"
because that summer before he started HS,
he survived a lightning strike at BSA Summer Camp

this was taken in HS... Sophomore year

and this was taken a few weeks before his High School GRADUATION,
just one short year ago...

Here is one with him by a sunflower that
was growing wild in the back yard...
He was here doing some yard work for us the last few weeks...
BTW, he is over 6 ft tall... that is a HUGE sunflower...
we had two pop up back there...

I love my baby boy... I am proud that he was willing to SERVE our country, even when our country does not always serve it's people best... To stand up and defend an amazing country whose "politicians" could surely learn a bunch of things about love of country and regard for freedom from the men and women of the armed forces that protect them too... Even if things do not work out the way he wanted, I am grateful that was willing to give of himself and his life for something he believed was good... In the years to come, he will no doubt be asked to give of himself no matter what life has in store for him... in ways he cannot even imagine today...

He is a fine young man and he will do well in whatever he puts his heart into... but he will also always be MY baby boy... and I will always care about his happiness and safety... so my prayers rise heavenward each day, that he will be cradled in God's gentle and loving hands at all times... and that he will feel our love and support at all times though the months and years ahead of him when he may be far from us... away from our presence but not out hearts...


Bonnie said...

From one mama to another, I know this is a heart-wrenching day for you. As always though, you're looking on the bright side.
In my prayers, Bonnie

talitha said...

I was doing fine until I realized that your son is only 2 years older than my oldest boy...time really does fly.

I wish your boy all of God's blessings, and I hope that you have continued peace as he serves.

~pollyanna said...
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