Wednesday, February 25

water please...

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to inconvenience others??? In the last week as I have been recovering from surgery I have periodically needed something, but was in too much pain to move or just felt bad enough that I wished I had a little robot so that I didn't have to inconvenience my family members who have been helping me...

Today I am finally feeling like my abdomen has not just been hit by a baseball bat... (and I mean a really big hitter, going after a home run...) I was as prepared as anyone could possible be for my hysterectomy, and yet the pain levels I have dealt with have been much greater than I was ready for... even a week later blowing my nose takes psyching up for, coughing is nearly impossible... and sneezing create a fear stiff enough to make me go into panic mode... because I am so afraid of the pain... It still requires all my energy and personal determination to get up for a glass of water... to use the bathroom... and to even eat. I dose day and night... but it's not been a restful-like dosing... more like hoping for the bad thing to go away, but feeling it there, just below the surface...

At least today I can say that the pain is at last starting to fade... I am taking a lot less pain medication now (over the last 24-48 hrs) and I am hoping that will also help my body to feel better... I do not tolerate pain medications well, they cause unusual reactions in me that others do not always have... so while they are necessary, I use them, but I am always more than ready and very willing to cut back and/or give them up entirely. I think it is a situation where they tend to build up in my system and leave me feeling groggy and irritable...

Anyway, I am starting to come up for air... to all my friends and family that have expressed good wishes and said prayers... thank you...


Bonnie said...

Polly, you asked, "Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to inconvenience others?" I dunno. Someone might ask, "Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to serve others?" I think there's something to be gained from both giving and receiving service. Receiving: humility, gratitude, compassion. Giving: selflessness, compassion, feelings of usefulness and purpose.
Still praying for a great recovery for you, - Bonnie

~pollyanna said...

true Bonnie... however when you live the part of the one in need for years and years it becomes wearing, and it is harder to see the value...

I am grateful to be able to provide service opportunities for others... I'd just like to be on the other end more often... and when I do get the opportunity to serve I would love for it not to wear me out... [winkyz]