Sunday, November 2

on the road again...

While you are reading this entry on the day that it posts I have been away from home for a couple days... Hubby and I left Son2 at home, taking care of the dog and the house... packed up his wonderfully comfortable vehicle for a long drive (the picture below is more how we SEE ourselves traveling not reality...) and we hit the road like a couple of vagabonds... As I mentioned the plan a few days ago, we have gone to Texas to his parents... and we will see what we can do about getting their living situation more "stabilized".
The one really positive thing about this difficult trip??? Hours alone in a car... talking and laughing with hubby... we love being together so much we will actually even take boring road trips as a gift...!!! (Just not the swollen ankles and the swore hips from sitting so much, as a blessing...) [wink] But we don't have any toddlers anymore asking us "how much farther..." so it's all good... as the younger generation says... right?

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