Tuesday, January 6

a top 10...

This morning in my reading I was completely taken in and encouraged by an article at Mormon Times called Faith vs. the fear factor. Check it out... I think you will be glad...

Because of the article I changed my mind about posting a top ten list... It seems like this time of year all the big name news sites have one... so in the interest of reminding myself of the blessing of faith in my life, I am posting a list of events and experiences that have either helped me to keep my faith strong or have helped me gain greater 'faith insights"...

my top 10 faith promoters of 2008

10 * Watching the majesty of a tremendous glacier fulfilling the measure of it's creation... all the while my mind was gaining a greater understanding of the truths I know about the Father and Son's rolls in the creation of this marvelous place we call earth.
9 * Seeing a lost "sister" find her way back into the fold of the Savior, and watching her feel loved again...
8 * Finding through a "chance encounter" a new outlet for my limited energies (and providing me with a stimulating way to serve others from home)...
7 * Having a friend just know I needed her physical help on a very bad day and having her offer it... out of the blue... yet again a reminder that God sees even the smallest sparrow...
6 * Watching my children work through their own hard challenges...
5 * Feeling my parent's "other-side-of-the-veil presence" at some very sacred family times over the last year...
4 * Witnessing more than a few "miracles of the fishes" events within our extended family...
3 * Sharing the joy of the of new families with my two oldest children and being able to attend the temple with each of them and their spouses, a few times over the year.
2 * The joyful completion of the 1st-25 wonderful years of marriage with my fabulously faithful and loving hubby! (25 behind us... but an eternity to go! Hurray for ETERNITY!)
1 * Hubby's amazing (and miraculous) survival and initial recovery of what very easily could have been a tragic and/or fatal accident 6 weeks ago, and then realizing during a very poignant moment that even if the worst had happened that our relationship would survive the separation, because we are truly eternal companions... (I was, during those early days, reminded often that families ARE forever, and carried by the Lord's spirit of peace and love.)

1 comment:

talitha said...

i love your list, Polly. SOme very important and special things that you took care to notice.