Friday, January 2

welcoming the new year...

We did the official welcome quietly on New Year's Eve, just the two of us [hubby and I]. We were actually up until after midnight for a change... and watched movies/ate snacks together... it was nice... Then last evening Son1 and Sweetee brought dinner out to our home to share with us and we enjoyed a family gathering [not quite complete as Princess Bride and Sir Knight were not here, although hubby and I both spent a while talking to PB on the phone earlier in the day...] But even though we were not all here it was a great day/evening.

We played "iMAgiNiff" [Son1 and Sweetee had played it before, but it was a new game for us, they got for Christmas and brought it with them...] and then we played Yatzee [a game that hubby and I play a lot...] In writing this I just realized that Son1 "won" both games... but last night I never gave that any thought, and no one else mentioned it, so I am not sure anyone else noticed either... we just had so much fun together, and we laughed... a whole lot... Son2 and Son1 have a good level of camaraderie and Sweetee and hubby both have ways to get everyone laughing. I enjoyed just having a house full of our family for an evening. It happens less and less often as the kids are all so busy normally with school, jobs, and real life... Don't get me wrong, we are in contact all the time, but being under one roof happens less than any of us would like these days.

Here it is, another week almost gone and Sweetee goes back to her teaching responsibilities on Monday... so the opportunities will be harder to find again... I just wanted to wallow for a minute and remind myself of how fun our family is... We like to be together... we like to play... I am so glad that we took the chance last night... Is was a bit like the old days when the house was full of the kid's friends [our adopteds]... We need to plan an evening soon with the whole family and play games again... It's hard to get us all together, but not impossible, we definitely need to keeping trying to do that.

Still I didn't want to forget to mention that last night was a GREAT way to start a new year!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Hurray for family gatherings!