Saturday, October 18

do you like family reunions?

Hubby and I are attending an extended family reunion today. For me this is a good thing, for hubby this is a lesson in endurance. He really dislikes large groups of people and worse yet, this is a group that he is only related to by marriage to me, (it's many of my maternal 1st cousins).

He is so good to me. *wink*


Bonnie said...

Do I like family reunions? It depends. But mostly, yes, I love the concept. A couple of prickly people can turn a fun event into a fiasco. Keep 'em short and sweet, and all should be well.

Michael Larsen said...

It's been a long time, but I used to *love* the extended family reunions we'd have every two years of all the descendents of my great grandfather and great grandmother. When the family grew to be too large, and the original children of the couple in question passed away or grew too old to keep administering it, they stopped (back in 1999). I really miss those.

Melinda said...

I don't really like family reunions. They're too crowded, and I would rather be with friends. Of course, I'm grumpy about family right now, so that's probably affecting my answer. Have a good time at your reunion.