Wednesday, October 15

right this minute, I miss...

"walking" up a beautiful multi-colored autumn canyon trail and twinkling my toes in a stream after hiking for hours...

hearing my mother sing (just a little off key) sitting next to me in church...

holding one of my kids on my lap and telling that same story that I thought I just could not tell one more time, without going crazy...

running my fingers over the veins that stood out on the back of daddy's hands...

sitting around a campfire and thinking that if I reached up I could actually touch the heavens...

brushing the hair away from a feverish brow and praying for relief for my sweet child.

making "crowns" out of the dandelions that plagued many a lawn from the time I was old enough to braid...

watching that "just finished nursing" face of a baby... right before you know you better get them in their bed or they will wake up and your nap won't happen...

sitting in a hot bubble bath while reading a book I waited for weeks to come out....

feeling the wind race over my face as I sit on the porch just before a big storm hits...

listening to the excited voices of a dozen teenagers while playing a noisy game of "speed"...

and oddly enough, I even miss... figuring out where the "one" error is on a 350 page spreadsheet full of macros and corporate data that 10 other people did not find...

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